The Four Pillars Of Airo Collective
When we started Airo Collective, we agreed on four design pillars to guide every step of R&D. With these Four Pillars at our foundation, we have the freedom to bring amazing designs to the world with the confidence they are worth making.

We aren’t afraid to push boundaries when it comes to design - from Stealth Wallet’s patent-pending offset card slot design to the never-before-seen Exo design that uses your cards to provide structure to the wallet. The status quo just doesn’t interest us.

We love to take everyday products you already carry and expand the functionality to a degree you didn’t think possible. The Stealth Razor Wallet is literally thinner than a razorblade yet holds 8 cards and cash - all possible through better engineering.

We are only interested in creating products that have as low of an impact on the environment as possible and will last you a very very long time. For example, the tannery our leather comes from is certified by and a leader within the Leather Working Group for sustainability-focused water use and environmental best practices, every hide used is a by product of the meat industry and our ballistic strength material delivers the lowest carbon footprint per unit of strength out of any soft material, organic or inorganic.

We’re constantly traveling the globe on the search for the cutting edge in material science. For the Stealth Razor Wallet, we used a military-spec ballistic material that is 15x stronger than steel and thinner than a razor blade. This next-gen material is the same stuff in body armor used by the military & law enforcement and keeps your Stealth Wallet from stretching, tearing, breaking, or wearing out.

Which One Will You Choose?